
Why seek a yoga and writing coach?

Perhaps you'd like to practice yoga at home, but you're not quite sure where to begin. Or you might wish to try yoga for the first time, but feel self-conscious in a group environment. You may be an experienced practitioner simply be looking for an individualized program to help you to achieve your goals.

Or perhaps you want to write, but are finding it difficult getting started. You might have a manuscript tucked away somewhere and you're wondering what to do with it, or you may be an experienced writer curious about how best to revise your next work. Perhaps you have read some testimonials or talked to others who have worked with Michèle, and you are hoping to discover how yoga and writing practices can provide you with a greater sense of peace and well-being.

These are just a few of the many reasons you may decide to work with a Language of Yoga coach. The Language of Yoga coaching services are highly individualized: whether you are looking for help getting started, trying to carve out time to practice, editing a piece of writing for publication, or learning how to begin a yoga practice at home, Michèle will be there to help you along your path.

How will the coaching sessions benefit me?

The best athletes in the world have coaches who help them achieve their goals. Without help and support, an Olympic track runner might push too hard at times, risking injury through training too intensely when she really needs to rest; at other times, she might need to work harder or longer, or she may simply need to work differently, adding a new regime of weight training or more hill work to achieve her goals. The athlete works closely with her coach, and together they come up with ways to improve the athlete's performance and get her quickly and safely to the finish line.

The work of a Language of Yoga coach is similar to that of an athletic coach. Like an athletic coach, Michèle will work hard to help you achieve your goals. She will provide you with guidance, support, and inspiration. She will be there to help in times of difficulty and in times of triumph. Through it all, she will help you to be the very best you can be – to find your truest self.

The biggest difference between the two kinds of coaches lies in the scope of the work. While an athletic coach focuses more narrowly on the achievement of a particular athletic goal – winning a gold medal, achieving a record-setting swim, and so on – your Language of Yoga coach will guide and support you in ways that enhance all areas of your life. Both writing and yoga are practices that help us wake up to the greatest possibilities of our lives. Your Language of Yoga coach will help you with particular issues such as editing a manuscript or correctly aligning your spine in Mountain Pose, for example. But she will also help you to connect this editing or alignment with the rest of your life, so that as you work toward a particular goal, you will find the whole of your life beginning to open as well.

What will happen in a coaching session?

When you enter the coaching relationship, you will complete a detailed assessment to find out what your goals are and to help determine the best course of action for each of the coaching sessions. Coaching is a relationship, and your input in the process is crucial – each session is tailored to your specific needs. As your practice of yoga and/or writing grows, the work will be adjusted and fine-tuned to meet your current and ongoing needs.

The work may be quite different from session to session, depending on the immediate and long-term goals that you work out with Michèle. You may do some generative writing in one session; you may spend a different session working closely with a particular yoga pose; or you may work through a particular piece of your writing carefully with Michèle, guided by her detailed notes and suggestions. The possibilities are endless: it all depends on your own needs and aspirations.

These coaching sessions can truly make a difference not just in your yoga and writing practices, but in the whole of your life. Give yourself the gift of time for yourself, time guided by a Language of Yoga coach who can help bring out the very best in you.

To reach Michèle and learn how to start your coaching sessions now, click here.